Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Double Schwarz

Henrik Schwarz has been dubbed the savior of Deep House, certainly he's moved it forward into a more interesting place and delivers some pretty awesome remixes of some really top notch acts. As I have previously mentioned on Another Night his recent K7 DJ Kicks, kicks ass and is still getting major play from me. So how about this remix of Induceve's 'Time To Begin' which came out on Classic in 2006? Very nice indeed, I think so. And since I'm handing over Henrik stuff how about his take on Switch's 'Get On Downz' ? Both have that typical Henrik mood, both communicate the essence of a groove with his love for organic deep keys and subtle shifts in um... space. Keep your eyes on this soulful man.


Anonymous said...

I've always got love for Henrik Schwarz! And I haven't heard these two tracks yet, so thanks for that.

chris keys said...

Hey Steve, hope you are well, u have been posting some awesome stuff as usual, really been enjoying your blog lately, or always really. I got love for the Schwarz too, not much of his i don't like.

Matt said...

Love this guy too. Thanks for the tracks. Anybody heard his remix of "The Race" by The Visitors on Playhouse? That's definitely another one to check, but honestly most everything he's involved with is.

chris keys said...

hey matt, i haven't heard 'the race' yet - will hunt it down. - nice mixes on your blog btw.