Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Scared of You Baby!

OK so Gilles P. rated this edit of the year back in 2005, there was a small re-press and an original amount of 1000 only, sadly out here in Africa, I lost out, I must have ordered it 9 times. It's strange cos sometimes i just get exactly what I order and other times things just slip through the cracks. Anyway thanks to Jsun, a regular visitor here, we all get to share in the absolute glory that is this brilliant edit of the already classic 'Baby I'm scared of You' by Womack and Womack. Birmingham's Mark E does a bit of a Theo Parrish thing, extending the track with delicious, minimal, looping beats and bass for ages before he finally lets go on the original. Dynamite for dancing! Thankyou Jsun.


DannyBlue said...

Thanks so much for posting this! I've been looking for it for ages after hearing in on Gilles. I even resorted to doing my own edit of the tune (ie cutting off the less stunning first half of the track, and letting it go when it really starts). For what its worth this is my favourite music blog and just seems to hit every time. Thnkas guys.

chris keys said...

Hey Danny, thanks for the love and i'm glad u now have a copy of this ,now pretty hard to find item, albeit on mp3.