Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Cosmic Nina

Todd Terje does edits faster than anyone, more than that his choices are always interesting, often great fun and extremely diverse; from Wham and Adam Ant to Fat Back Band and Skip Jackson to this one by Nina Hagen. Thing is... everyone knows this edit thing has got to a point where a lot of people are just doing it without any real creativity and purpose, kinda like where House music went, or Deep House after that, or Techno etc. With any genre there is going to be the good , the bad and the ugly, Todd's rekutt of Nina Hagen's 'Cosmic Shiva' is both good and bad assed. I was a big Nina Hagen fan back when i first started clubbing in black hole alternative and electro clubs (yeah sure we had those in SA) but this version woulda rocked the clubs in those days just like it does now (if the audience is a little left field that is). What I really love about this edit is how Todd puts Nina deeply into the dubby Disco mix, making it more about the groove. Nonsexmonkcosmicdisco?


Bobby Calabrese (aka DJ BWYSE) said...

This track is so sick. Thanks so much for posting. Love your taste in music.

chris keys said...

Hey Bwyse, thanks for the support mate, been loving some of the stuff u 've been posting too... keep it up..

Anonymous said...

Please post this file again! I'm a year or so late ... Enjoying your other posts too!