Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Queen takes a chance

French Disco royalty Queen Samantha's 'Take A Chance' is pure Space Disco and with lots of clean beats and spacey bits, I'm half surprised this hasn't been edited yet. If you check out Disco Museum, they have some interesting notes on the Queen, and simply explain the reason that her voice seems to change from track to track is that there were many Queen Samantha's but only one producer which was Harry Chalkitis. Harry seems to have gotten the idea for the name and atmosphere of the tracks from a visit to South Africa, a weird fact that delighted me and confirmed the strange afro quality of the Queen Samantha tracks. Harry lived in Paris while he produced the brilliant songs for his project. Harry now lives in Athens, he is Greek after all and has a new ethnic Pop band called Mediterranean Spirit. Interesting stuff no? Check the track for an all time midtempo Disco classic...

Queen Samantha II - Take A Chance


Anonymous said...

thanks for posting this song, it solves a huge mystery for me! i've heard the intro break of this song cutup on many a old party tape by flash/jazzy jay/etc.,but i never knew what the song was or the artist. it's cool to find out what it is, plus it's a real good song.

chris keys said...

hey goody goody - cool story and sure no problem