Thursday, January 29, 2009

A.N.O.E. is almost at the 300 000 hits mark (it's a bit more than that because I only put the counter up sometime after I had started the blog), the site also gets quiet a bit more than 150 gigs of music uploaded from it a month (with all the mixes still available, plenty of that is taken up by them). I was never convinced that my own continuing musical investigation/journey could be of that much interest to others, I am of course extremely grateful to all those that support this here place and make it more than a single mans vision. Most of all though, Thank You!


Unknown said...

long live to A.N.O.E.!

Bobby Calabrese (aka DJ BWYSE) said...

Congrats Chris. A daily stop and a huge inspiration. Peace my man!

charles darwin said...

I like the fact that you just one song and then provide some background info on it,its good cos I can dip in and out,plus the music is of a good calibre,keep doing what your doing mate

Matt said...

Long may you continue. Thanks Chris.

Anonymous said...

you're the best!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Chris-that's an insane amount of musical love to be spreading round the world.

Love may it continue!!

ATM said...

i think i speak for all your readers/DLers when i say "you're welcome, chris." ha! keep it up man!

Anonymous said...

Keep it up man. It's been a pleasure stopping by daily to check things out. Without this shared love we all would be without a LOT of music. Thanks.


David Ballester said...

Your blog is by far the best disco-blog out-there. Always new rare stuff to listen to that you didn't realise existed out there and that has inspired me to look more into my own collection and see what's been forgotten and lost.
Thanx for a great blog...

Ced said...

hello mr night on earth !
congrat and long live.

mr Boum

Anonymous said...

Great Inspiration. Great Blog. Thanx Thanx Thanx


plaidmusic said...

top blog.always top self tunes with great info.congrats

Anonymous said...

I have only discovered you recently but it has been an inspiration. Your choice of music is excellent! It's great to know there are like minded people out there. Respect to you. Long may you reign!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for introducing me to loads of amazing music i've never heard of before...keep up the great work!!!


chris keys said...

great comments everyone, thanks again - i've got loads of really top dollar press plays lining up, a few new tricks up my sleeve and an a.n.o.e. compilation under construction. keep in touch!

menino Joãozinho said...

No words can express what your music/blog brings to mind when I can be "alone" at home in front of pc and go to your place... I must have more than 50 real favorites under Music but if I could stay with only two yours would be 1 of them ( the other 1 deals with older music!! )

TY, from Portugal


Jimmy said...

congrats! love your blog, keep up the good work!

Scott Bliss said...

where's earth again?
you rock chris!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Chris. ANOE is an amazing place.